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Is Wikipedia the Only Wiki?

A wiki is simply a collaborative website or software that allows users to create and edit pages and content. Wiki comes from the Hawaiian word “wiki-wiki” which means “quick.”

The first acknowledged wiki was created in 1994 to allow for the exchange of ideas by a group of software designers. Since then, countless wikis of all sizes and subjects have been generated across the online world.

While Wikipedia is by far the best known, there are many smaller wikis for more specific topics. There’s a Star Trek-based Wiki and even one devoted to sandwiches.

There are other broader wiki sites dedicated to encyclopedic information but, hands down, the most popular one is Wikipedia. 

If you’d like to learn more about our alternative wiki development service, click here. 

ReferencesISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Bram, Leon. Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. vol. 9. New York, Rand McNally, 1986. ISBN 0834300729
  • Collison, Robert. Encyclopaedias: Their History Throughout the Ages, 2nd ed. New York, London: Hafner, 1966. ISBN 978-0028431000
  • Darnton, Robert. The business of enlightenment: a publishing history of the Encyclopédie, 1775-1800. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1979. ISBN 0674087852
  • Kafker, Frank A. (ed.). Notable encyclopedias of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: nine predecessors of the Encyclopédie. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1981. ISBN 978-0729402569
  • Moon, Sun Myung. Science and Absolute Values: Twenty Addresses. New York: International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, 1997. ISBN 089226201X
  • Walsh, S. Padraig. Anglo-American General Encyclopedias: A historical bibliography, 1703-1967. New York: Bowker, 1968. ISBN 978-0835200264
  • Yeo, Richard R. Encyclopaedic Visions: Scientific dictionaries and enlightenment culture. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. ISBN 0521651913

CT&T United

«CT&T» является крупнейшим в Корее производителем электрических автомобилей. Компания была основана в 2002 году и до сегодняшнего дня представила множество интересных электрических автомашин. Самые известные модели электрокаров это, «eZone» (среднескоростная малолитражка) и «cZone» (низкоскоростной электрический автомобиль). Примечательно, что компания «CT&T United» является единственной на сегодняшнее время компанией, чьи электрические автомобили официально успешно прошли ряд краш-тестов.

Кроме того, компания в настоящий момент строит свою дилерскую сеть на территории США. Дело в том, что компания рассчитывает в ближайшее время открыть завод в Америке по производству электрических автомобилей. Также компания «КТ и Т» рассчитывает в ближайшее время в Южной Корее выйти на объем производства в 15 тыс. автомобилей в год.


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History of «Encyclopedia»

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Автомобильные коды стран

Автомобильные коды стран (или IVR коды) — основной (и единственный) на сегодняшний день способ быстрой идентификации государства, где было зарегистрировано транспортное средство, без проверки документов.

К таблице действующих автомобильных кодов стран

К таблице автомобильных кодов бывших стран

В начале 1900-х годов количество транспортных средств и их разнообразие достигло таких значений, при которых вопрос безопасности пешеходов (да и самих водителей) становился вопросом первостепенной важности. Одной из самых значимых попыток привести все автомобили к единому стандарту безопасности, является «Конвенция о международном передвижении автомобилей» (Annexe C

Convention internationale relative à la Circulation des Automobiles pdf ), принятая в Париже 11 октября 1909 года, и вступившая в силу после подписания всеми странами-ратификантами 1 мая 1910 года.

Среди основных требований, предъявляемых к транспортному средству, можно отметить: обязательный его осмотр компетентным органом, пожаро- и взрывобезопасность, наличие двух независимых тормозов, фар, осветителей номерного знака, не пугать шумом животных, не отравлять окружающих выхлопными газами и т.д. Разрешение на вождение предоставлялось лицам не моложе 18 лет.

Для обеспечения возможности пересекать границы других стран, на автомобиль, в дополнение к номерному знаку выданного в родной стране, должен был устанавливаться отличительный знак. Этот знак должен крепиться в видимом месте на задней части авто и удовлетворять следующим требованиям:

Отличительными буквами для разных стран на тот момент являлись следующие: Германия, D; Австрия, A; Бельгия, B; Испания, E; Соединенные Штаты Америки, US; Франция, F; Великобритания и Ирландия, GB; Греция, GR; Венгрия, H; Италия, I; Монтенегро, MN; Монако, MC; Нидерланды, NL; Португалия, P; Россия, R; Румыния, RM; Сербия, SB; Швеция, S; Швейцария, CH.

Надзор за соблюдением конвенции возлагался на правительство страны-подписанта, в которой было зарегистрировано транспортное средство.

Поскольку материал для отличительных знаков ничем не регламентировался, изготавливали их не только из стали (включая выштамповку литер и ободок как на регистрационных номерах), но и из бумаги, в виде переводных картинок или самоклеящихся стикеров. По поводу сторонних надписей или изображений на таких знаках, бывало, руководствовались принципом «что не запрещено, то разрешено», размещая возле кода флаг или герб страны.

С самого начала введения международных номерных знаков, за основу попытались взять мнемонический принцип формирования кода. В целом, способ неплохо работает, хотя есть и тонкости. Так, некоторые республики считают обязательным указывать форму государственного правления на автомобильных кодах: RA — республика Аргентина, RCH — республика Чили, RKS — республика Косово, ROK — Республика Корея (в данном случае код и вовсе содержит предлог «of» — Republic of Korea) и т.д.

Интересные метаморфозы произошли и с автомобильным кодом России. Изначально (в 1910) её код был однобуквенным «R«, после образования СССР код преобразовали в «SU«, в это время (с 1959 по 1962) «RU» (код, на который мы могли бы претендовать) становится официальным кодом Руанды-Урунди, с 1960 (после провозглашения независимости от Бельгии) код «RU» переходит республике Бурунди, после развала СССР Россия вновь получает код для авто, но уже трехбуквенник «RUS«. При этом, первоначальный однобуквенник «R» до сих пор не закреплен ни за одной из стран учасниц конвенций.

Еще одна нынешняя тонкость мнемоники — зависимость её от стандарта ISO 3166. Названия стран в этот стандарт поступают из ООН (бюллетень названий стран ООН), где республика Беларусь одно время звучала как «Byelorussia». Так и передали. Несмотря на то, что страна уже давно носит название на английском исключительно как «Belarus», автомобильный код «BY» никто не собирается менять.

Согласно стандарту ISO 3166-1 (публикуется с 1974 года), автомобильные коды формируются на основе только двухбуквенных кодов стран (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) или трехбуквенных (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3). Несмотря на это, в современном перечне IVR кодов присутствует и четырехбуквенник «SMOM» — неофициальный код Мальтийского Ордена (Sovereign Military Order of Malta).

What Is Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a respected online encyclopedia that allows users to collaboratively create, edit, and maintain articles on a wide range of topics. It is accessible in several languages and is one of the largest and most widely used sources of reference on the Internet. Known for its transparent and editable nature, Wikipedia allows anyone with Internet access to contribute content, review articles, and correct any errors.

The platform works on the principle of crowdsourcing, in which volunteers from around the world contribute their knowledge and expertise to build a comprehensive compilation of articles. Wikipedia articles cover many topics, including history, science, popular culture, and current events.

Wikipedia is a valuable resource for research, general knowledge acquisition, and learning. However, due to its open editing system, the information presented on the platform may change. Therefore, users are strongly encouraged to verify the accuracy of articles, especially when dealing with important or time-sensitive articles. The website’s content is frequently used by individuals, students, academics, and researchers as a starting point for their investigations and as a reference to gain insight into various disciplines.

[edit]Conservation status

TheHawaiian Croworʻalala(Corvus hawaiiensis) is nearlyextinct; only a few dozen birds survive in captivity.

Two species of crow have been listed as endangered by the US fish and wildlife services: TheʻAlalāand theMariana Crow.TheAmerican Crow, despite having its population reduced by 45% since 1999 by the West Nile Virus, is considered aSpecies of Least Concern.


In the United States it is legal to hunt crows[citation needed]in all states usually from around August to the end of March and anytime if they are causing a nuisance or health hazard. There is no bag limit when taken during the «crow hunting season.» According to the USCode of Federal Regulations,crows may be taken without a permit in certain circumstances.USFWS50CFR21.43 (Depredation order for blackbirds, cowbirds, grackles, crows and magpies) states that a Federal permit is not required to control these birds «when found committing or about to commit depredations upon ornamental or shade trees, agricultural crops, livestock, or wildlife, or when concentrated in such numbers and manner as to constitute a health hazard or other nuisance,» provided

  • that none of the birds killed or their parts are sold or offered for sale,
  • that anyone exercising the privileges granted by this section shall permit any Federal or State game agent free and unrestricted access over the premises where the operations have been or are conducted and will provide them with whatever information required by the officer, and
  • that nothing in the section authorizes the killing of such birds contrary to any State laws and that the person needs to possess whatever permit as may be required by the State.

In the UK, the crow is considered a pest when in a large community and under certain conditions can be shot under a number of general licences issued byNatural England.[citation needed]


«Kia Motors Corporation» входит в альянс «Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group». «Киа» является старейшим производителем в Корее моторных транспортных средств. Компания была основана в 1944 году. Марка имеет удивительную историю своего успешного развития, что в итоге позволило компании занять пятое место в мире по величине производства новых автомобилей. Сегодня «Киа» производит около 1,4 млн. автомобилей в год. «Kia» имеет более 3000 дистрибьюторов и дилерских центров в 172 странах мира. Годовой доход компании составляет 17 млрд. долларов США.

Также, главная цель компании производить автомобили, которые будут отвечать большинству потребностей автолюбителей. Вот почему некоторые модели «Киа» стоят менее 700 тыс. рублей и ни чем по качеству не отличаются от автомашин дороже 700 тыс. рублей. В настоящий момент, чтобы улучшить мировые позиции и идти в ногу с современными автомобильными тенденциями, Корейский автомобильный бренд решил открыть штаб-квартиры в Европе и в США.

Модельная линейка «Kia» включает в себя следующие популярные автомобили:

Kia Cadenza

Kia Carens

Kia Carnival

Kia Cee’d

Kia Cee’d SW

Kia Pro Cee’d

Kia Cerato

Kia Cerato KOUP

Kia Magentis

Kia Mohave

Kia Opirus

Kia Optima

Kia Picanto

Kia Provo

Kia Quoris

Kia Rio

Kia Sorento

Kia Spectra

Kia Sportage

Kia Soul

Kia Venga

What kind of data is found on this website?

Wikipedia contains a wide variety of data and information on various topics. The data found on Wikipedia includes:

  1. Encyclopedic Articles: These articles cover general knowledge and provide detailed information on various subjects, such as history, science, mathematics, art, culture, and technology.
  2. Biographical Information: Wikipedia includes biographies of notable individuals from various fields, including historical figures, scientists, artists, politicians, and celebrities.
  3. Scientific and Technical Information: Details of scientific explanations, technical specifications, and research findings can be found on Wikipedia. This includes articles on physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc.
  4. Historical Events: Wikipedia provides historical accounts of events, from ancient history to recent occurrences, including wars, revolutions, and significant milestones in various countries.
  5. Cultural and Artistic Content: Information about literature, music, film, art, and other cultural expressions, including summaries of books, profiles of artists, and details about various cultural movements.
  6. Geographical Data: Wikipedia includes information about countries, cities, landmarks, and geographic features, providing data on their history, demographics, and geography.
  7. Current Events: Wikipedia often features up-to-date articles about ongoing news and current events, allowing readers to stay informed about recent developments.
  8. Statistical Data: Some articles include statistical information, charts, and graphs to illustrate data on various subjects.
  9. Historical Documents: Transcriptions of historical documents, speeches, and treaties are often available on Wikipedia.
  10. Reference Material: Wikipedia articles often include references and citations to external sources, making them a useful starting point for further research.
  11. Images and Media: Many articles include images, maps, and other media to provide visual context and additional information.

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20 December 2023
By Lisa Seitz-Gruwell

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History of Encyclopedias

Early encyclopedic works

The idea of collecting all of the world’s knowledge into a single work was an elusive vision for centuries. The earliest encyclopedia may have been compiled by the Greek philosopher Speusippus, who preceded Aristotle. But Aristotle is sometimes called the father of encyclopedias because of his vast collection and categorization of knowledge, most of which remains valid today. The oldest complete encyclopedia in existence was the Historia Naturalis compiled by Pliny the Elder about 79 C.E. It is a 37-volume account of the natural world in 2,493 chapters that was extremely popular in western Europe for over 1,500 years.

The first Christian encyclopedia was Cassiodorus’ Institutiones (560 C.E.) which inspired Saint Isidore of Seville’s Etymologiarum, sive Originum Libri XX (Twenty Books of Etymologies, or Origins) (623) which became the most influential encyclopedia of the Early Middle Ages. The Bibliotheca by the Patriarch Photius (ninth century) was the earliest Byzantine work that could be called an encyclopedia. Bartholomeus de Glanvilla’s De proprietatibus rerum (1240) was the most widely read and quoted encyclopedia in the High Middle Ages while Dominican Friar Vincent of Beauvais’s Speculum Majus (1260) was the most ambitious encyclopedia in the late-medieval period at over three million words.

The early Muslim compilations of knowledge in the Middle Ages included many comprehensive works, and much development of what we now call scientific method, historical method, and citation. Notable works include Abu Bakr al-Razi’s encyclopedia of science, the Mutazilite Al-Kindi’s prolific output of 270 books, and Ibn Sina’s medical encyclopedia, which was a standard reference work for centuries. Also notable are works of universal history (or sociology) from Asharites, al-Tabri, al-Masudi, the Brethren of Sincerity’s Encyclopedia, Ibn Rustah, al-Athir, and Ibn Khaldun, whose Muqadimmah contains cautions regarding trust in written records that remain wholly applicable today. These scholars had an incalculable influence on methods of research and editing, due in part to the Islamic practice of isnad which emphasized fidelity to written record, checking sources, and skeptical inquiry.

The Chinese emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty oversaw the compilation of the Yongle Encyclopedia, one of the largest encyclopedias in history, which was completed in 1408 and comprised over 11,000 handwritten volumes, of which only about 400 remain today. In the succeeding dynasty, emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty personally composed 40,000 poems as part of a 4.7 million page library in four divisions, including thousands of essays. It is instructive to compare his title for this knowledge, Watching the waves in a Sacred Sea to a Western-style title for all knowledge. Encyclopedic works, both in imitation of Chinese encyclopedias and as independent works of their own origin, have been known to exist in Japan since the ninth century C.E.

These works were all hand copied and thus rarely available, beyond wealthy patrons or monastic men of learning: they were expensive, and usually written for those extending knowledge rather than those using it (with some exceptions in medicine).

[edit]Evolutionary history and systematics

Further information:Corvidae
Crows appear to haveevolvedin centralAsiaand radiated out intoNorth America,Africa,Europe, andAustralia.
The latest evidenceregarding the crow’s evolution indicates descent within the Australasian family Corvidae. However, the branch that would produce the modern groups such asjays,magpiesand large predominantly blackCorvushad leftAustralasiaand were concentrated inAsiaby the time the Corvus evolved.Corvushas since re-entered Australia (relatively recently) and produced five species with one recognized sub-species.[citation needed]
The genus was originally described byLinnaeusin his 18th century workSystema Naturae.The name is derived from theLatincorvusmeaning «raven».
Thetype speciesis theCommon Raven(Corvus corax); others named in the same work include theCarrion Crow(C. corone), theHooded Crow(C. cornix), theRook(C. frugilegus), and theJackdaw(C. monedula). The genus was originally broader, as theMagpiewas designatedC. picabefore later being moved into a genus of its own. There are now considered to be at least 42extantspecies in this genus, and at least 14extinctspecies have been described.
There is not a good systematic approach to the genus at present. In general, it is assumed that the species from a geographical area are more closely related to each other than to other lineages, but this is not necessarily correct. For example, while the Carrion/Collared/House Crow complex is certainly closely related to each other, the situation is not at all clear regarding the Australian/Melanesian species. Furthermore, as many species are similar in appearance, determining actual range and characteristics can be very difficult, such as in Australia where the five (possibly six) species are almost identical in appearance.[citation needed]

Closeup of the upper body of aJackdaw(Corvus monedula)

Thefossil recordof crows is rather dense in Europe, but the relationships among most prehistoric species are not clear. The latest evidenceappears to point towards an Australasian origin for the early family (Corvidae) though the branch that would produce the modern groups such asjays,magpiesand large predominantly blackCorvus, Crows had left Australasia and were now developing inAsia.Corvushas since re-entered Australia (relatively recently) and produced five species with one recognized sub-species.[citation needed]
A surprisingly high number of species have becomeextinctafter human colonization, especially of island groups such as New Zealand, Hawaii and Greenland.[citation needed]


The trusworthy faux patriot snake handlers at Conservapedia have an even better article about .

Wikipedia traces its origins to 2001, when a pair of bored computer geeks, Jimbo Wales and Larry Sanger, decided the same principles that made things like the graffiti on bathroom stalls great could also be applied to internet encyclopedias. Armed with a pretentious sense of self-righteousness and a can-do attitude, the two bright-eyed youngsters created their website, named «nupedia.com». Naturally, this venture was a spectacular failure. Instead of learning from their mistake, though, Wales and Sanger decided to go the AIG route, and rename their idea while making no real changes to it.

So, they discarded the idea of «Nupedia» and switched to «Wikipedia», which had four letters before the pedia instead of two, and was therefore twice as good an idea. As time progressed, Wikipedia began to draw lots of attention: from internet nerds to computer geeks to technology lovers to sedentary basement-dwelling web-surfers, the whole world was talking about Wikipedia.

Banzaikitten vandalizing Wikipedia. Good boy!

However, Wikipedia still had to find a way to make money. Although Wales and Sanger toyed with the idea of setting up a small porn server in a subdomain, they eventually decided nobody really wanted to see them naked, and settled on switching to a .org domain. They hoped they could con enough people into giving them money to pay for their bandwidth usage, and quickly coded a button that read «click here to donate to relief funds for the Rwanda genocide». A few thousand gullible PayPal users later, and Wikipedia had all the money they would ever need.

Seeing that this method showed promising results, the Financial Department of Wikipedia decided to make an even greater fundraising event, which attracted more people. Vandals, not wanting their work to become inaccessible, contributed more than the average writer. Worshippers of Mr. Wales had their part too, using their secret Swiss account so that the sum of all human knowledge would remain in safe hands.

By 2007 Wikipedia had become one of the top ten Web 2.0 websites, and today it has more than five million articles, mostly about bands no one has ever heard of, one-time Naruto characters, and rare diseases mentioned in passing on House.

In 2017 Wikipatreon started.


«Zyle Daewoo Bus Corporation», судя по официальному описанию компании на сайте, специализируется в основном на выпуске автобусов. Ранее компания входила в подразделение компании «Shinjin Motors», которая входит в Южнокорейское подразделение компании «GM». Далее компания выпускала автобусы под брендом «Daewoo Heavy Industry», и «Daewoo Motor Company». В 2002 году компания «Daewoo» создала свою собственную компанию по производству автобусов, которую назвали «Daewoo Bus Corporation».

Прежде всего, данная компания производит общественный транспорт и имеет многочисленные филиалы и партнеров по всему миру. Так например, компания производит свои автомобили в г. Шанхае (Shanghai Wanxiang Daewoo Bus). Так же производство открыто в городе Гуйлинь, КНР (Guilin Daewoo).

По состоянию на 2013 год компания производит в том числе и ряд популярных коммерческих рейсовых автобусов, как например, знаменитая серия «FX», т.е.: модель «1724» — городской автобус, модель «1731» — пригородный автобус и серию автобусов «LESTAR».

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